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A fresh new UX and even more reporting options give a boost to Enable's user interface and functionality

November’s update introduces a new look to Enable, bringing a brighter theme to the user interface. There is also a brand new trading partner reconciliation report available to offer even more detailed reporting.


These updates are already available to test in your UAT environment. Deployment to your Live environment will take place on 11th December.

What’s new?

Enable UX

The Enable application has been restyled to give the site a lighter feel overall. This will bring Enable more in line with Enable Apps and Collaborator.

Trading partner reconciliation report

A new optional ‘Trading Partner Reconciliation Report’ is now available as a core Enable report. This report focuses on helping users reconcile turnover with their trading partners. These reports can be configured for you depending upon the dimensions and dimension collections you wish to use for reconciliation filtering.

The report can be filtered using several different criteria, including trading partner, the dimension and collection attribute for reconciliation filtering, deal type, transaction date, and currency. The dimension and collection attribute, used for reconciliation filtering, can be configured by Enable administrators. Please raise a support ticket to request this.


Approval Hierarchy Display Enhancements

The ‘Signed off on behalf of’ status for users within the approval hierarchy has been enhanced to clearly display the name of the user who signed off on their behalf, as well as any notes entered by the user. It is now possible to download any files uploaded during the ‘Signed off on behalf of’ action.

Deductions - User interface updates

The display of targeted deals within the Deal Edit page, the Watchlist app, and the Forecasting module have been made more consistent. Each page will now clearly show relevant discounts and deductions applied to the deal, as well as a breakdown of growth for deals with growth incentives, and a clear indication of the actual, forecast, and accrual turnover bands.

Forecasting enhancements

Accrual band calculation corrections

When using the Forecasting module to set the accrual band for a deal, any relevant discounts or deductions will be respected when calculating the final accrual band using the forecasted turnover. Relevant discounts and deductions will also be respected when displaying the accrual turnover within the Watchlist app.

Setting of accrual band based on forecast by default

The accrual band for a deal can now automatically be set based on the forecast spend for the deal in the Forecasting module.

This setting can be configured by Enable’s Client Services Team. Please raise a ticket if you would like this to be configured.

Reset to default phasing values

A new ‘Reset Phasing’ button has been added to the deal forecast edit page for forecasts which are set to ‘Preserve Total’. Clicking this button will reset the values of all future phasing periods back to their initial phasing values.

Using default phasing values for zero phasing values

An edge case where the phasing values for future periods might sum to zero has been defined. In this case, the 'Preserve Total' calculation method will use the default phasing values instead to apportion over future periods.


A quick guide on getting started with Collaborator.

Inviting a collaborator

Inviting a collaborator in Enable now only requires an email address for the collaborator. Once invited, the collaborator’s information will not be shared with the Enable user until the collaborator explicitly accepts the invitation. user accounts

When a collaborator is invited to collaborate for the first time, they are sent an email inviting them to activate their account and populate their ‘ User’ profile fields.

Scheme sharing – trading partner context

Notifications within the ‘Inbox’ area of Collaborator and within emails sent from Collaborator now include the trading partner name within their description to give a clear indication of which trading partner context the notification relates to.

Last fully signed version of scheme

When a ‘Fully Signed’ scheme in automatic workflow is unlocked, the generated Scheme PDF for the unlocked scheme will be available for be download from Collaborator via the ‘Download Previous Version’ option.

Providing feedback

We would love to hear your comments about Enable and how it could be improved. Send us your thoughts via the feedback backlog.

This backlog gives a place for you to provide our product team with your thoughts and feedback on the Enable product and how it could be improved. Please share any feedback on the product, no matter how raw or unrefined, but it will help our product team if you try to submit a new ticket for each new idea or piece of feedback.

Read more about providing feedback on our help center.

What’s coming up?

In line with Enable’s commitment to release an Enable update every six weeks, we have a ton of updates coming up that will be ready to test in your UAT environment on 13th December. Deployment to your Live environment will take place on 20th February.

Core enhancements

Column width control for the included items selector

You will be able to change the width of the columns (such as the dimension name) when selecting dimension items for your deal.

Retaining deleted user account activity

We will enhance our support for the retention of data relating to deleted users.


We are making some enhancements to the forecasting report to include currency, Deal ID and Scheme ID when relevant. The Forecasting module will also handle lump sum deals which are not apportioned over turnover in a more consistent way.

Scheme chat for collaborator

A new ‘Scheme Comments’ area will be added to both Enable and Collaborator, providing a centralised location for communication between you and your collaborators and to facilitate direct sharing of supporting documentation.

Reference Pricing App

The Reference Pricing app will allow you to configure and maintain ‘Price Lists’.

If you have any questions regarding our current or upcoming Enable updates, please contact our Client Services team at

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