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Communicate more effectively and eliminate confusion with scheme comments for Collaborator

December’s update brings key changes to Enable and introduces new features and apps. Scheme Comments adds new functionality to Collaborator which makes communication between you and your trading partners far easier. We have also begun work on a new Pricing app, which when complete will give users the ability to add and maintain ‘Price Lists’ for use in deals. Furthermore, we have adjusted many of the displays in the Forecasting module and made adjustments to the forecasting reports.

These updates are already available to test in your UAT environment. Deployment to your Live environment will take place on 20th February.


What’s new?

General enhancements

Column width control for the included items selector

Within the ‘select items’ area of the deal edit page, column headings can now be dragged to adjust the column widths for the dimension item listing. Configured column widths can be stored for each dimension independently and are unique to each user. These changes apply to all views in the ‘select items’ areas such as ‘Indirect Selections’ and ‘Direct Selections’.


Retaining deleted user account activity

When a user account is deleted, their previous actions now remain in the activity log – administrators can view the activity log of deleted users which can now be seen in the user selector by checking the “Show deleted users” box. The deletion of the user will be seen as the final activity in the log and the deleted users will be retained as “scheme leads” in the workflow hierarchy, but the overnight recalculation will continue to remove these deleted users. Any other consequences of deleting a user remain the same.

Deal wizard

Deal Wizard is a new tool used to simplify and improve the process of creating a deal. Deal Wizard provides an easy to use interface to configure straightforward deals and takes a step by step approach to deal creation without having to navigate Enable. It could previously be accessed from the front page of your instance.

Link to wizard from scheme – The Deal Wizard can now be accessed when viewing a scheme alongside the existing option to add a new deal, which will automatically select the scheme and advance to the settings step.

UX improvements – The interface of the Deal Wizard has been polished to improve the overall responsiveness of the wizard and to fit the aesthetics of Enable. Bugs have been fixed regarding dimension item selection and background loading of data.


Enable UI/UX

Work has continued on the core Enable application in updating the interface and user experience to fall more in line with the suite of Enable apps.

Watchlist header The mobile header for the Watchlist application has been fixed and is now more inline with other Enable Apps.

Handling of empty names – Users without a name are now displayed with appropriate fallback values such as their email address, and tasks that require a name (ie. Scheme sign-off) direct the user to fill it in before they can proceed.


The forecasting module is an optional Enable feature. If you would like to find out more about the forecasting module, please contact your Customer Success Manager.

The following updates have been made to the Forecasting module.

Forecast report

Display Deal/Scheme ID – To improve the readability of Forecast reports for Clients with non-unique Deal/Scheme references, the Deal/Scheme ID is now displayed in both the online preview and download, immediately before the Deal/Scheme reference. Deal ID is shown only if 'Deal' is selected in the view by criteria and Scheme ID is shown only if 'Deal', 'Scheme' or both are selected.

Recognising different currencies – You can now filter by currency in the parameter selection tab of the Forecast report. If no currency is selected, all results for all currencies are returned, but the aggregated Forecast earnings are partitioned by currency.

Fixed lump sum (non-apportioned) deal mechanisms

Forecast Module – The expected spend for deals using a 'fixed lump sum (non-apportioned)' deal mechanism has been removed from the Forecasting page in deal edit – this avoids confusion as there is no expected spend for such deals. In line with this change, the 'phase spending' section and spend-related graphs have also been removed, along with all 'Edit Forecast', 'View rate', and 'Link this Forecast' options.

Forecast Report – Forecast earnings are now correctly calculated in the Forecast earnings report for deals using 'fixed lump sum (non-apportioned) deal mechanisms'. The calculation spreads the earnings across the phasing periods using a fixed daily earning rate for the deal duration to acquire earnings for the phasing period. These deals are shown in the Forecast earnings report with no expected spend.

Security enhancements

Multi-factor authentication

Authenticator app – Authenticator applications can now be used as a Multi-factor Authentication mechanism within Enable apps. This gives you an extra layer of security on your Enable account.

Scheme comments for collaborator

A new scheme comments area has been added to both Enable and Collaborator. This provides a single centralised location for communication between Enable Users and Collaborator Users, and also facilitates direct sharing of supporting documentation. There is a single comment thread in the context of each scheme, visible to both you and your Collaborators.

Scheme comments – Enable functionality

Accessing and viewing scheme comments – You can view and add comments at any time for schemes to which you have access, even if the scheme is locked or their access is read-only. Comments appear as an additional tab within the context of a scheme, similar to the ‘deals’ and ‘approval’ tabs. The comments tab is available for all schemes, regardless of if any collaborators have access to the scheme.



This is the view from the Collaborator portal – the scheme comments can be viewed alongside the plan.

Reference Pricing app

A new optional app is currently under construction and will be added to the system under the new 'Data' top menu item, giving users the ability to configure and maintain 'Price lists'. A price list is a group of prices which share the same name, the same currency and which operate over the same combination of dimensions and optionally trading partners.

Large parts of the Pricing app have now been completed and in the near future, price lists will be incorporated into deals. Below, we have an image of the new Pricing app, showing where it sits in Enable, and the interface you should expect to see.


Providing feedback

We would love to hear your comments about Enable and how it could be improved. Send us your thoughts via the feedback backlog.

This backlog gives a place for you to provide our product team with your thoughts and feedback on the Enable product and how it could be improved. Please share any feedback on the product, no matter how raw or unrefined, but it will help our product team if you try to submit a new ticket for each new idea or piece of feedback.

Read more about providing feedback on our help center.

What’s coming up?

In line with Enable’s commitment to release a Enable update every six weeks, we have a tonne of updates coming up that will be ready to test in your UAT environment on 21st February. Deployment to your Live environment will take place on 2nd April.

General enhancements

Trading partner reconciliation report

We’re extending the Trading Partner Reconciliation Report to include more information for deals with the Targeted % with monetary targets mechanism.


Rolling window for automatic forecasting – Changes will be made to the phasing periods used by automatic forecasting. Users will be able to adjust the maximum number of locked phasing periods to limit the number of previous periods to suit their needs and make their forecasts more accurate – it allows forecasting to be better tailored towards different deals.

Pricing app

A new deal mechanism plugin will be added entitled ‘Fixed % of Price’. Users will be required to select a price list from which the system will find a matching price for the turnover line.


Trading partner fed transactional data

Users of Collaborator will be able to import transactional data. When the setting is turned on, Collaborator users will have access to the ‘Transactions’ area. Here they will be filter, view summaries and upload CSV files for data.

If you have any questions regarding our current or upcoming Enable updates, please contact our Client Services team at

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