The #1 Rated Rebate
Management Platform

Enable takes the complexity out of managing rebates, allowing you to focus on what truly matters – delivering top-notch services and unlocking growth.
Author, agree upon, execute, and track your deals collaboratively for better alignment with your trading partners.
Effectively manage all your deal types, contracts and data in one rebate management platform, regardless of the service you provide.
Manage your workflows, audit trails and stay ahead of opportunities and risks with real-time data insights that inform your strategic decisions.
Tailored to fit the unique needs of service providers across diverse industries.
Effortlessly set up, manage, and configure all your diverse rebate programs, make data-driven adjustments while maintaining compliance.
Monitor and share rebate performance in real time, empowering data-driven decisions that drive revenue growth.
Review forecasted rebate data and make predictions that can save you money and help mitigate any risks that may arise in the future.
Accurately and automatically generate, submit, and track rebate claims to speed up cash collection.
Boost Financial Performance: Actionable insights that reveal paths to increased profitability and sales.
Increase Operational Efficiency: Automate processes and collaborate effectively to free up valuable resources across the organization.
Mitigate Business Risk: Single version of truth ensures auditability and eliminates knowledge silos.
Experience the difference of a rebate management platform built by service providers, for service providers
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