Automated Accounting for Customer Rebates
Real time data that reduces admin time and avoids nasty surprises when accounting for customer rebates.

Never miss a rebate again
Typically 4% of rebates go unclaimed. ERP systems lack granularity, and manual sheets are prone to errors. Enable ensures you leave nothing unclaimed.

Get total deal visibility
Stop waiting for year end or quarterly results. Stay up to date with real time data and a daily performance dashboard.

Collect cash quicker
Calculate and invoice rebates automatically without waiting for supplier statements. Claim rebates as soon as they’re due, resolve disputes and get cash in the business sooner.

Accelerate month end
No more manual reconciliation of rebate earnings from a complex mass of spreadsheets. Continuously record and accrue rebates in a system you can set and forget for a smooth month end.

Enable in Action:
Payment Allocation Report
The payment allocation report gives you an overview of earnings, receipts, adjustments and resulting balance per payment line.

Enable in Action:
Finance Snapshots
Finance snapshots facilitate the export of data to feed your ledgers and records. Each ‘snapshot’ taken is an auditable record of the finance package and can be configured to best suit your needs.
Enable in Action:
Transactions Report
Gain visibility of all of your transactions with any supplier. Extract transaction data from any trading program for a specified period of time.
Enable in Action:
Debtors Report
Browse and filter a list of trading programs to get a summary of due and overdue rebate, grouped into aged time periods per trading partner per trading program.
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