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Flexible and reliable: scheme PDF enhancements and performance improvements in April’s update

Spring is kicking in and our team has a lot of exciting updates to share with you this month. Our latest updates were deployed to your UAT environment on 5th April 2019 and is now available for testing. Let’s jump straight in!

What’s new?

Automated turnover imports improvements

A number of improvements to the automated turnover import system have been made to reduce the number of database deadlocks that occur.

The removal of records as part of the automated turnover import process is no longer transactional, and the system will automatically retry to remove them should this step fail.

Imports made using the automated turnover import functionality will also be batched according to the “Transaction date” value for each trading partner.

This update is available for all Enable users.

Upload bulk payment adjustments in the Cash App

A new area called “Uploads” is now accessible to client admin users in the Cash App. This area will allow the user to upload a “Payment allocation” CSV file, and the deal lines within the CSV file will be adjusted in bulk.

This bulk adjustment will have the same effect for multiple deal lines as a manual individual payment adjustment has for a specific deal line. This will allow users to adjust amounts of debt for large numbers of deal lines in a more efficient manner.

This update is available for all Enable users who have “edit” access permissions to the Cash App.


User interface changes in the Cash App

It is now possible for an Enable administrator to configure the Cash App to be optimized for either customer rebates or supplier rebates. This means the Cash App can be configured for either account receivable or accounts payable, meaning the labels within the UI can be changed from representing money being owed to the client to money owed by the client to customers.

This update is available for all Enable clients using the Cash App.

Azure service plans scaling

The app service instances hosted in Azure have been upgraded to a higher performance configuration. This will improve the performance of our UAT, Staging and Live environments.

This update is available for all Enable clients.

Scheme approval page performance groundwork

We have undertaken an investigative review and implemented some changes to improve the performance of the scheme approval page.

This update is available for all Enable clients.

Select new options for automatically populated terms items

It is possible for an Enable administrator to configure the scheme PDF terms items to automatically include every configured trading partner dimension attribute, as well as the name configured for the trading partner.

This update is available for all Enable clients.

Display as many signatories on the scheme PDF as required

The limit on the number of signatories displayed on a scheme PDF file when using automatic approval workflow has been removed. This will allow the client to configure multiple signatories for a scheme. The number of signatories that can be created will depend on the number of workflow roles — the maximum number of signatories is the number of workflow roles + 3.

This update is available for all Enable clients.

Hide discount percentage on the scheme PDF

It is now possible for an Enable Administrator to configure the scheme PDF such that the “% Discount, deducted from turnover before calculating earnings” section of the scheme PDF will be hidden.

This update is available for all Enable clients.

Performance improvements

A number of general improvements have been made to the performance of Enable including the Scheme approval process and upgraded hosting resources for all Enable environments.

This update is available for all Enable clients.

Multi-partner reporting research

Enable’s Development team has completed some research on the impact and viability of enabling multiple trading partner selections on a report for a client.

The performance impact of key metrics such as the number of trading partners selected and the time period being queried has been reviewed in order to determine limitations to future multiple trading partner reports in order to ensure the continued performance of the Enable solution.

This is a research task and does not represent any changes in the system at this time.

What’s coming up?

In line with Enable’s commitment to release an Enable update every six weeks, we have a tonne of updates coming up and will be ready to test in your UAT environment on 17th May, with deployment to your Live environment to take place on 25th June.

Forecasting module updates

Analysis tab graph update

The graph on the analysis tab will be updated with respect to the “Forecast scaling completion delay” setting and when forecast turnover is no longer scaled.

Deal start and end date restrictions

A new checkbox setting will be added at the trading partner level to enforce that sure that deals coincide with phasing periods. This setting will only be visible if the Forecasting module is enabled. If this setting is true then the system will require any deals for that trading partner to have a start date that coincides with the start date of a phasing period and an end date which coincides with an end date of a phasing period. It will not be possible to turn this setting on without the previous requirements being met for every deal for the trading partner.

By default, new trading partners will have this setting enabled, and existing trading partners will have this enabled if they meet the requirements the setting imposes.

Forecasting and phasing periods

Enable administrators will be able to configure Enable to determine the period for which forecasting reports will be generated for a client. This will allow the input of a period and start date for the forecast.

Enable administrators will be able to configure Enable to set the phasing period of forecasts. This phasing period will be less than the forecasting period. If there are not enough days in a month for a phasing period to start on the same day then the start date for the month will be the last day of the month. When saving and any of these settings have been changed, the user will be required to input their password. When these settings have been configured, 5 years worth of forecasting and phasing periods will be generated. At the end of a forecasting period, the next non generated forecasting period will be created.

Deal and scheme replication improvement

The “Earnings marked as final” field of a deal will not by replicated when replicating a scheme or deal.

Latest baseline transaction date stored for deals

Enable will store and maintain a “Latest baseline transaction” date for every deal. This will work similar to the deal latest transaction date but will be equal to the date of the latest turnover which qualifies as baseline turnover within the deal’s baseline period.

Client latest scaling date stored for recalculations

Enable will store and maintain a “Client latest scaling” date. This will be set to be the system date at the start of the weekly process which recalculates forecast earnings and baseline earnings. The client latest scaling date must be set for each client before any deal re-calculations are done.

Deal scaling calculation improvement

Forecast earnings will use the later of the client latest scaling date and deal latest transaction date rather than client latest transaction date to scale the earnings of the deal. Baseline earnings will use the later of client latest scaling date and deal latest baseline transaction date rather than client latest transaction date to scale the baseline earnings of the deal.

Display of approval hierarchy changes

In the approval hierarchy, by default, all roles will be expanded to display all users and any comments in the role section in all scenarios.

Hide payment frequency settings

Enable administrators will be able to configure Enable to hide the payment frequency setting around the system. Selecting this will block the Cash App from being enabled, and it will be required that this setting is selected to enable deal series. Current Enable methods will be adapted to respect the new setting.

User deletions recorded.

When a user is deleted, a record will be created in the activity log.

Scheme PDF date format change

The date format on the scheme PDF will be updated to use the standard Enable format (for example 15/03/2019 goes to Mar 15, 2019).

SSO redirection change

When a user chooses to be redirected to the SSO provider, the return URL parameter will also be sent. This will give the SSO provider the information required to redirect the user back to the correct page in Enable.

Terms items configuration — page break setting

Enable administrators will be able to configure Enable to add page breaks to the Scheme PDF. This will be inactive by default.

If you have any questions regarding our current or upcoming Enable updates, please contact your Client Services team via the Support Hub at

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