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Setting group and individual targets


Group and Individual Targets is a setting that can be enabled to add additional granularity to your calculations. This feature allows you to set the level at which a target band is calculated. This is particularly useful for Buying Groups, Customer Rebates at an account level and also Customer Rebates selling to buying groups.

Enabling Group and Individual Targets

To use this feature, the Enable team must first configure a mechanism to have an 'individual'. The system considers an 'individual' to be either a dimension item or an attribute value of a dimension. For example, if you are a buying group looking to create member-specific targets, your members within the member dimension would serve as the individuals in this case. If your business has region specific targets, you will use a mechanism with Region individuals, where Region is an attribute of Branches/Locations.

Program Line Setup


The first selection that must be made to utilise the individual targets is the mechanism that we will use. Any mechanism that uses target bands (this includes all value, volume, ratio and growth mechanisms) can be used to create individual targets. This mechanism has to be configured by your Customer Success team, who will ensure that the description of the mechanism makes it clear that individual targets can be used.

Target Bands Settings

The target bands display within a program line is very similar, with the addition of a Target Transactions Type box as well as a change in the name of the target field based on the Target Transactions Type selected.

The possible options for the target transactions type are:

  • Individual - Targets set at a dimension/attribute level. Example: Targets at a buying group member level.
  • Group - Group wide target. Acts in the same way as the base mechanism, with one target for the qualifying dimension combined.
  • Group and Individual - Both a group and individual target can be set, with only the largest of the two payouts being gained by the individual.


If you require individual or attribute based targets for your program lines, please contact your Customer Success Manager. Please note that program lines using individual targets are not currently compatible with the Forecasting app.

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