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Manually reconciling transactions

The reconciliation process attempts to reconcile transactions which have been uploaded or imported into your Enable channel by matching the transactions to your dimension and trading partner data.

The reconciliation process can either be manually triggered or scheduled. Both settings can also work in conjunction with each other.

This article will guide you through how to manually run the reconciliation process.

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How to manually run the reconciliation process

Channel admin users will have access to the Config area and reconciling transactions within Enable. If you require additional help, please reach out to our support team here.

To manually reconcile transactions:

Step 1: Navigate to Config in the green banner and select Import transactions.

Import transactions page: Reconcile transactions

Step 2: In the Reconcile transactions section on the right of the page, click the hamburger icon under Trading partners (e.g. Customers/Suppliers).

Step 3: Search using the trading partner name or reference and select trading partners you wish to reconcile transactions for, or click the Select all button to reconcile transactions for all trading partners. Click OK once you are happy with the trading partners selected.

Step 4: If required, set the checkbox for Allow duplicates if duplicate transactions are allowed to be reconciled.

Step 5: Click the Reconcile button to begin the reconciliation process. A notification will display confirming that the reconciliation process has been queued and will run shortly.

Reconciliation notification

What’s next?

Ready to review your reconciliation results? Learn how to use and understand the reconciliation report here.

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