Enable Acquires Profectus Group’s Rebate Deal Management Platform in New Partnership

Andrew Butt
November 30, 2022

At Enable, we have a vision for a healthier, more vibrant supply chain where rebates help trading partners maintain their relationships with each other. Risk mitigation is a key part of maintaining trusting trading relationships, and we knew from the start that we had to offer our customers tools to mitigate risk. For us, this took the form of a rebate management platform, one where partners could work together transparently to negotiate deal terms and track progress and where they could align internally to control rebate complexity with real-time data, insights, and more accurate forecasting.  

But we weren’t content with this.  

We stay close with our customers, and one of the things we hear a lot from them is that they want the type of risk management help that only professional auditing services and compliance technologies can provide. They need assistance with contract compliance, supplier audits and accounts payable audits. All these help to recover losses associated with errors in these arenas and highlight opportunities to improve compliance that ultimately mitigates future risk. And this is why we’ve partnered with Profectus Group for their auditing services and acquired their Rebate Deal Management platform. This will be the start of a great relationship for both businesses and all of our customers.  

Located in Melbourne, Australia, and serving the ANZ region, Profectus Group is the partner we’ve been looking for. Profectus got their start as an audit and recovery business, so they know all about risk management and its associated services. Our partnership with them means Enable customers gain new access to top-notch audit services and compliance technologies while continuing to use our premier rebate management platform. This combination of software from Enable and services from Profectus Group means customers will continue to accurately collect on and pay out all their rebates while implementing detection and prevention controls to mitigate financial risks, ensuring customers remain compliant.  

When we opened our Sydney office earlier this year, we knew wanted to continue to grow and deepen our ties in the ANZ region. We also wanted to ensure we did so with companies that understand the local market needs. That’s why we’re so excited about this new partnership with Profectus Group. Their deep ties to the area and their exceptional professionalism make them the perfect partners.  

Welcome to Enable, Profectus Group’s Rebate & Deals team. We’re glad to have you on board.  


Enable Acquires Profectus Group’s Rebate Deal Management Platform in New Partnership

Andrew Butt
December 9, 2024

At Enable, we have a vision for a healthier, more vibrant supply chain where rebates help trading partners maintain their relationships with each other. Risk mitigation is a key part of maintaining trusting trading relationships, and we knew from the start that we had to offer our customers tools to mitigate risk. For us, this took the form of a rebate management platform, one where partners could work together transparently to negotiate deal terms and track progress and where they could align internally to control rebate complexity with real-time data, insights, and more accurate forecasting.  

But we weren’t content with this.  

We stay close with our customers, and one of the things we hear a lot from them is that they want the type of risk management help that only professional auditing services and compliance technologies can provide. They need assistance with contract compliance, supplier audits and accounts payable audits. All these help to recover losses associated with errors in these arenas and highlight opportunities to improve compliance that ultimately mitigates future risk. And this is why we’ve partnered with Profectus Group for their auditing services and acquired their Rebate Deal Management platform. This will be the start of a great relationship for both businesses and all of our customers.  

Located in Melbourne, Australia, and serving the ANZ region, Profectus Group is the partner we’ve been looking for. Profectus got their start as an audit and recovery business, so they know all about risk management and its associated services. Our partnership with them means Enable customers gain new access to top-notch audit services and compliance technologies while continuing to use our premier rebate management platform. This combination of software from Enable and services from Profectus Group means customers will continue to accurately collect on and pay out all their rebates while implementing detection and prevention controls to mitigate financial risks, ensuring customers remain compliant.  

When we opened our Sydney office earlier this year, we knew wanted to continue to grow and deepen our ties in the ANZ region. We also wanted to ensure we did so with companies that understand the local market needs. That’s why we’re so excited about this new partnership with Profectus Group. Their deep ties to the area and their exceptional professionalism make them the perfect partners.  

Welcome to Enable, Profectus Group’s Rebate & Deals team. We’re glad to have you on board.  
