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My reports

The my reports area contains a list of all the recent reports you have generated allowing you to quickly access the reports you have run recently without needing to set up filters each time. Each row in my reports will correspond to the report you have run and whether you previewed or downloaded the report. You can learn more about the program earnings, daily earnings, transactions, and advanced reports here. This article will show you how to:

For a brief walk see our video below.


The my reports area provides a listing of all your favorite and recent reports. From this listing, you can review the following:

  • Name: a customizable label for your report; this allows you to create unique identifiers for reports to help you organize them.
  • Type: this provides a reference to the type of report ran (i.e., daily earnings, program earnings, etc.). If the report is a preview, this will be denoted in brackets after the report label.
  • Requested: this is how long ago the report was originally generated.
  • Expires: this is the date the report expires, learn how to remove the expiration date by favoriting a report here.
  • Trading partner: the label of this column will coincide with your trading partner label (i.e., supplier, customer, etc.). If the report selects multiple or all trading partners, then this will have a value of multiple.

You may also see a star icon on a row indicating the report has been favorited; learn more here.

You will be able to either preview or download a report depending on the action taken when the report was first run. There are important distinctions between these actions:

  • Download: Running the download action from my reports will provide you with the results from the original request; this makes downloads a good way to monitor historical data.
  • Preview: this will run the report against the latest data; you cannot access historical data; once you preview a report, you can then download the new data set afterward.

My report actions

In addition to acting as a historical log of your reporting activity, you can utilize the different actions to simplify common, repetitive data extracts, for example, end-of-month extracts or acquiring attainment data to feed into key performance indicators. Specifically, you can review details here of reports run previously, favorite reports for the future here, and customize the naming of the reports here for easy identification. The remainder of this section will outline how to perform all available actions within my reports.

View details

Each report has a corresponding details and criteria section. The details section will show the following:

  • Status: this will have values of queued, processing, and complete, which indicates when the system first received the report request, when it started working on running the report, and when it finished generating the report.
  • Queued at: this is the time you first requested the report.
  • Started at: this is when the system started generating the report and coincides with when the report first reached the processing status.
  • Completed at: this is when you could access the report data and when the status changed to complete.

The criteria shown will depend on the report type; this section will list each filter and the filter settings when the report was requested.

To view the details of a specific report, you will need to:

  1. Click on the report you wish to see the details of; please note that you can click anywhere on the row except the name column.
  2. Click on the three-dot button above the report.
  3. Click on view details.

How to use criteria from an old report for a new report

You can use the filter settings from previously run reports for new reports from the my reports area; this is especially helpful for complex filter settings or where you want to refine a previous report. To utilize an old reports filter settings, you need to:

  1. Click on the report you wish to copy the filter criteria for; please note that you can click anywhere on the row except the name column.
  2. Click on the three-dot button above the report.
  3. Click on use criteria for new report.

You will be navigated to the report page for the report type you selected and will be able to adjust the filter criteria as needed and then either preview or download the new report.

Add and remove (a report) from my favorites

Favoriting a report removes the expiration date allowing you to configure reports you know will be used in the future. This is especially helpful for your regular month-end reporting or for ensuring you can extract comparable data sets over time. To favorite a report, you need to:

  1. Click on the report you wish to favorite; please note that you can click anywhere on the row except the name column.
  2. Click on the three-dot button above the report.
  3. Click on add to my favorites.

Your report will be moved in front of any reports with expiration dates; on the table row, you will now have a green star, and the expires column will have a value of never.

To remove a report from your favorites, you can:

  1. Click on the report you wish to remove from the favorites; please note that you can click anywhere on the row except the name column.
  2. Click on the three-dot button above the report.
  3. Click on remove from my favorites.

This will add an expiration date back onto the report and remove the green star.

Renaming a report

Primarily renaming a report enables you to ensure your favorite reports are clearly labeled, but this also helps you organize your reports if you are iteratively adjusting filter criteria. To rename a report:

  1. Click on the name of the report you wish to rename; you should see a pencil icon.
  2. Update the report name text and click on the tick.

You will get a notification to let you know the report name has been updated.


How do I stop my report from expiring?

You can stop a report from expiring by favoriting it; learn how to favorite a report here.

My report only lets me download it with old data; how do I get the latest data from a download?

From my reports, the download action only provides old data. However, you can use the criteria to run a new report. This will allow you to use the downloadable report’s criteria to get fresh data. Learn how to use an old report filter criteria for a new report here.

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