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Managing manual approval workflow

Upon clicking on the Approval tab for a trading program, you will notice a number of labels and editable fields (see screenshot below), as follows:

  • Trading program creation · A label indicating whether the trading program was created manually or automatically, i.e. through replication.
  • Created by · A label indicating the name of the user who created the trading program, and the time and date it was created.
  • Workflow status · A dropdown menu where you can select the current stage that the trading program falls under within your workflow. Different statuses and associated color markers can be configured by Enable’s system administrators for this.
  • Currently with · A free text box where you can identify who the trading program is currently sat with.
  • Waiting on · A free text box where you can identify who the trading program is currently waiting on before proceeding.
  • Last purchase date · This is the most recent transaction date for the trading program, i.e. most recent transaction date on a turnover line.
  • Follow on status · This is a means of indicating, for a trading program that is approaching its end date, whether a follow-on trading program needs to be created. When this is "Yes", a trading program needs to be created for the next period. "No" means that either a follow-on program exists, or it is not yet due to be created, based on the configured replication threshold.
  • Notes · A free text box for adding notes.

If your channel has Executive Summary enabled, you will have a few extra options on the Approval tab:

  • Include notes on executive summary · A tick box that allows you to include the notes you input on the executive summary template
  • Trading programs for comparison · A selection pane that allows you to choose another trading program with the same trading partner to appear on the executive summary.
  • Executive summary · This allows you to view the executive summary.

On the right side of the page is the option to download a program PDF giving an overview of the trading program configuration. This program PDF is represented by a thumbnail image, which, when clicked, will download the PDF version for you.

You can use the workflow report to search for and view all of the trading programs or proposals and their current workflow status in Trading Programs with a breakdown of who the trading program lead is, who the trading program is currently with, who the trading program is waiting on and the last updated date.

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