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Configurable individual targets

The channel members functionality is now separate from the Group and Individual Targets and Per-member Growth Baselines, which allows you to break channel members down into its constituent parts. It also allows you to utilize these features without configuring channel members.

If your channel has been configured with channel members, the ‘Group and Individual targets (and per-individual baselines)’ option give you more control over your rebates and their respective targets. If you chose a dimension for channel members, you will be able to set the individual targets and baselines at the collection attribute level, as opposed to only the dimension item level.

Put simply, a channel member can now be set to earn rebates based on the higher of either group or individual targets. If a program line has either a targeted percent or targeted unit rate deal mechanism, there will now be three options when configuring the target transactions type: ‘Group’, ‘Individual’ and ‘Group and individual’. This is particularly useful for reflecting individual member growth as opposed to only aggregated growth. For instance, selecting the “Group and Individual” transactions type will allow rebate to be earned on the higher of either their group or an individual target.

To illustrate, assume buying group X has a member Y and sets up group target A and individual target B. If channel members is enabled and the “Group and Individual” box is ticked, member Y will earn a rebate on the higher of either target A or B. If the “Group” box is ticked, then member Y will only earn a rebate on group target A. If the “Individual” box is ticked, then the rebate will only be earnt on individual target B.

Creating a mechanism

Configuring a channel with channel members adds a new checkbox called ‘Individual target override’ on the mechanism configuration page. When configuring a Mechanism in a Channel (Config > Set Up > Trading Programs & Program Lines > Program Lines > Mechanisms), the ‘Group and Individual Targets’ setting checkbox will appear for all targeted mechanisms which support individual targets. This option applies to the ‘targeted %’ or ‘targeted unit rate’ deal mechanisms only.

The default setting for individual targets is that an individual is a dimension item from your channel member dimension if you have chosen one. Ticking the checkbox will override this default and offer instead an ‘Individual target basis’ selector.

For example, if you have a Branches dimension but you have multiple Branches in a particular city, you may want to consider a rebate based on the attribute City your Branches are in rather than the Branches themselves. With this selector, you can change the individual target granularity, which in this example would be the attribute ‘City.’ Do also note that the ‘Individual target basis’ selection will default to the platform-level setting value of ‘Dimension for channel members’ if you have channel members enabled.

In the individual target basis selector, you can set individuals to be items from any client level dimension. Additionally, if you have Indirect Rebates enabled for your channel, you will also have the choice of setting individuals to be your Trading Partners. You could alternatively set individuals to be distinct attribute values from a client level dimension collection.

In a program line

When using a mechanism where an individual target basis override has been configured, the individual target bands of a program line will be evaluated using the selected dimension or attribute.

Individual target overrides (for target bands) are supported for attribute level individuals. Therefore, instead of specifying the override per dimension item, you would now specify a target band override for a unique attribute value. Similarly, for attribute level individuals, baseline units and value are entered per attribute value. This works by selecting the individuals (i.e., members) you wish to apply the override to and the band that you wish to override them to, which enforces that they have achieved that band regardless of their turnover. However, note that it will be necessary for this to apply at the attribute-level for when the “Individual target basis” is a collection attribute.

If the chosen mechanism has to be configured such that the individual target basis is a collection attribute, then the individual targets apply for each distinct value in the attribute included in the program line selection rules. For example, a customer can configure their mechanisms to use an “Individual Target Basis” of their attribute A from their collection C within their dimension D.

Disabled settings

For now, certain settings on the program line edit page will be disabled when using a mechanism which overrides the individual target basis. These include:

  • Deductions
  • Discounts
  • Member specific target bands
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